WGMD Fishing Report 11-16-20


Sunday saw gale warnings up and to the best of my knowledge no boats left the dock.  The usual dedicated fishermen caught a few tog at Indian River Inlet.  I’m sorry, but you have to really love a tog to drive 200 miles, sit outside in a gale-force wind to maybe catch a keeper or two or none at all.

It still looks like Thursday before the seas are going to drop out enough for most boats to get out to open water.  A few might fish for tog at the Outer Wall on the Bayside.

I did have a report from a reader who has been fishing Canary Creek by the University and catching small tog and rockfish on shrimp.  If you look at shrimp on sale at the grocery store it is no more expensive than green crabs or sand fleas.  It is a whole lot less expensive then bloodworms.  I have used this bait in North Carolina and will be using it here the next time I fish for tog.  With my track record, what can it hurt?

This is Eric Burnley with you WGMD Fishing Report.
