WGMD Fishing Report 11-17-22


Thursday saw small craft advisories up and no boats fished the ocean or bay.

Old Inlet Bait and Tackle told us the same old story. Lots of small tog at the Inlet with the occasional keeper. The same sand fleas and green crab baits that have been effective for the past two months or more are still working.

On November 16, the Ocean City acoustic buoy operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science detected the presence of right whales east of Ocean City, Maryland. The Slow Zone is in effect until December 1.

East of Ocean City, Maryland the Northern Boundary is bounded by 38”38’ N. The Southern Boundary is 37” 58’ N. The Eastern Boundary is 74” 13’ W. The Western Boundary is 75” 04’W.

Boats traveling within these boundaries must go no faster than 10 knots.

The much larger slow zone announced earlier this year and protested by the sport fishing industry, remains in effect.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.
