WGMD Fishing Report – 11-30-22


Wednesday was a beautiful day with bright sunshine, clear blue skies and a warm, gentle breeze that barely stirred the water, somewhere, but not in Delaware. Here we had a gale warning and a driving rain.

I just got finished with a meeting of the Advisory Council on Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass and boy am I POed. The powers that be have come up with a new system for figuring out our regulations and it is the dumbest thing I have seen in my 60 years of serving on advisory councils. I would explain it to you, but I don’t understand it.

The end result is a 10% decrease in black sea bass for 2023. That’s right. A species that has 2.5 times the biomass for a healthy stock, they are cutting our take by 10%.

This could result in a very low bag limit, a 17-inch size limit and a very short season. In other words, the end of the charter and head boat business in Delaware.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.
