WGMD Fishing Report 11-6-19


Tuesday saw decent weather and a few boats did manage to get out tog fishing.

Tom at Lewes Harbour Marina said the Katydid had 17 keepers and the Top Fin had 15 tog in the box.  Both captains reported catching numerous short tog.

At Old Inlet Bait and Tackle it was the same story.  Lots of short tog out of Indian River Inlet with a few keepers.  Green crabs and sand fleas remain the top baits.  No report at all from the surf.

I continue to get good reports of striped bass to 40 pounds from the Belmar to Brielle, New Jersey area.  Right now, the best technique is snag and drop live bunker as large schools of this bait has been common in the area.  My son Roger was out on Sunday and tried trolling with Stretch 25s and 30s as well as MOJOs, but without result.  It was live bunker or nothing.

Delaware will be working on striped bass conservation equivalency regulations prior to the November 30 deadline.聽 聽

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.
