WGMD Fishing Report 12-10-18

Monday was cold and windy and to the best of my knowledge no one went fishing.  Tuesday doesn’t look any better and Wednesday is questionable.  Thursday calls for 5 to 10 knots and seas two feet or less.

I stopped by Lewes Harbour Marina this morning and Tommy told me he spent five hours on Sunday looking for rockfish.  He started trolling at the Eights then worked his way down the beach past Hen and Chickens Shoal without a bite.  He said he marked fish and bait, but they weren’t together.  The fish were hugging the bottom and the bait was close to the surface.  The water temperature was 43 degrees which is very close to the cut off for rockfish to feed.

In Virginia the Pigzilla Tournament wrapped up with three fish over 50 pounds taking the top three spots.  First place weighed 59.15, second was 50.7 and third topped the scales at 50.35.

The Fish Bound out of Ocean City keeps coming in with boat limits of tog.  Other captains I spoke with think he is fishing further south than Delaware boats can run.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD Fishing Report