WGMD Fishing Report 12-3-22


Saturday was about as miserable as you could get unless you enjoy high winds and driving rain. The only good thing was it didn’t snow. Looks like Monday before the boats can run again.

I do have a couple of reports from Friday.

The Skipjack II with Captain Beau brought in a sea bass limit along with some blues, porgies and one tog.

The Sea Jay II with Captain Jamar had a catch of tog and sea bass. Jackson caught a Delaware Citation 13-pound tog during that trip. Baits were green and white-legger crabs.

Getting back to tog catching tips, you don’t want to use circle hooks when tog fishing. A circle hook has to get inside the fish’s mouth to work and that just does not happen with a tog. A tog crushes the bait, sucks out the meat and spits out the shell in less time than it took to read that. The old time standard was a Virginia style beak hook and they still work just fine.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.
