WGMD Fishing Report 12-7-18

Checking with my usual sources on Friday revealed that no one was fishing in spite of decent weather for December.聽 Saturday should be even better and it looks like several charter and private boats will be out looking for tog and rockfish.

The water temperature in the bay and ocean has dropped into the upper 40s so you will want to take precautions to prevent hypothermia.聽 Dress in several layers beginning with a good set of long underwear followed by a heavy shirt and pants.聽 I have noticed a lot of guys wear heavy, insulated coveralls over their street clothes, but I still prefer a heavy hooded sweatshirt.聽 The final layer should always be foul weather gear.聽 I still have the Helly Hanson bibs and top I bought during the 1970s.聽 They are a bit ragged, but would still do the job.聽 I currently use a set of Grundens because the top is a pullover with no snaps to break or leak.聽 The sleeves have elastic cuffs to keep out water.聽 A good pair of neoprene gloves and rubber boots completes the outfit.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD Fishing Report聽聽聽聽聽聽