WGMD Fishing Report 3-18-18


On Saturday afternoon I made a call to Dan’s Tackle Shop because he seems to see more perch fishermen than most other shops.  I asked if anyone was catching anything, his reply was, “No.”  I also stopped by Lewes Harbour Marina on Saturday morning where the saltwater fly guys were tying saltwater flies.  That was the height of activity there.  There was a good turnout for the beach grass planting on Saturday morning including a fleet of DMS members and their 4WD vehicles.

Last week I mentioned the excellent bluefin tuna fishing out of Oregon Inlet and Hatteras, North Carolina.  In fact, the fishing was so good the National Marine Fishery Service shut it down.  Actually, they stopped the killing of giant bluefins.  You can still play catch and release with them.

I did a lot of that back in the 1990s when the big tuna first showed up off of Hatteras Island.  In those days we used menhaden to bring the fish to the boat and then dropped a bunker with a huge circle hook into their mouth.  After that it was hold on and hope.

This is Eric Burnley with you WGMD fishing report.

