WGMD Fishing Report 3-6-19

Tuesday saw winter make its last grasp and the Wednesday weather report will not be much better.  I don’t think anyone went fishing in the 30-degree weather and I don’t expect much to happen on Wednesday as the winds increase to gale force.  The good news is temperatures will begin to moderate over the weekend and reach the upper 50s by Monday.

Never too early to plan for the Joe Morris Memorial Canal Flounder Tournament.  This year it will be held on May 17 and, as before, proceeds will benefit the Pancreatic Center.  There will be tee shirts to buy along with a raffle for a rod and reel and perhaps some other fund raising events.

Let’s hope we have better weather than we did in 2018.  Those poor anglers fished in heavy rain and winds, but stuck it out and won some big money.  The Pancreatic Center was the big winner and that’s the way it should be.

The annual Lurefest put on by SaltFish will be held at the Bowers Beach Fire Hall on March 30.  As always there will be lots of good food and information.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD Fishing Report