WGMD Fishing Report 4-3-21


Saturday was another cold and windy day with plenty of bright sunshine.  Sunday looks to be a good day and the week ahead is also shaping up with decent weather.  The problem is the water temperature has dropped into the mid-forty-degree range and it will have to get past fifty degrees before the fishing improves.

On Saturday afternoon I took a ride that started on Route 1 headed to Indian River Inlet.  I hit a parking lot a Postal Road so I turned around and went to Cape Henlopen State Park and Lewes instead.

I was looking for people catching fish and found none at Cape Henlopen although I did see five surf-fishing vehicles on the beach south of Herring Point.  There were no surf-fishing vehicles north of Herring Point.

I checked the fishing pier, and while there were a few cars in the parking lot, I did not see anyone fishing from the pier.  There was a good crowd at the park, but most were walking or riding bikes.

A stop by Roosevelt Inlet came up empty and there were only two vehicles with trailers at the Lewes Boat Ramp.This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.
