WGMD Fishing Report 4-5-22


If you had any plans to go fishing this week, as my friends from North Jersey would say, fuhgeddaboudit. There are small craft advisories up through Thursday and Friday don’t look so hot.

I spoke with Taylored Tackle in Seaford and Mrs. Taylor said no one has been fishing because of the lousy weather. No sign of shad at the Laurel spillway and the last report she had of white perch, they we still down around Sharptown.

Patty at Captain Bones said white perch and catfish remain the main targets for her customers. They are fishing blood or earth worms for the perch or cut bait for the catfish. Augustine Beach is one good location where you may catch both species.

At Smith Bait in Leipsic, Steve did report on some rockfish caught from the Woodland Beach Pier. Most were too small to keep, but a few fell in the 28 to 35-inch slot. Bloodworms and cut bunker have been the top baits. Catfish and white perch have also been caught from the pier.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.
