WGMD Fishing Report 5-18-19

Friday was a beautiful day for the Joe Morris Memorial Canal Flounder Tournament to Benefit the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.聽 This year 445 anglers signed up to fish and found conditions much better than they encountered in 2018.

First Place went to Tim West and his 5.95-pound flounder.聽 In Second Place with a 4.07-pound flounder was Jeff Seamans and in Third Place was Jeff Purdy and his 3.73 pounder.聽 Mark Horvath was in Fourth Place with a 3.39 pounder, Artie Corson came in Fifth with a 3.28, Gary Ebling was sixth with a 3.27 pounder and Zack Becker was seventh with his 3.12-pound flounder.

Black drum are still being caught from Broadkill Beach where Sporto Gray found one on Friday.聽 Delaware Bay is giving up black drum as well with Steve Redden, Jr. and friends catching and releasing six on Thursday night.聽

This is Eric Burnley with you WGMD Fishing Report