WGMD Fishing Report 5-2-18

Tautog was the catch of the day on the full day trip on the Capt. Bob II for John and Doreen Rywelski of Massapequa, NY and Cliff Steg of Belair, MD. They were fishing on some coral beds using green crabs and brought back one shy of a limit.
Tuesday was as close to a perfect spring day as we are likely to see. The water temperature at the Lightship Buoy rose to 51.1 and at Lewes it was 54 degrees. Light winds made for a great fishing day. Unfortunately, not many folks were out on the water, but those that went caught fish.
At Hook ‘em and Cook ‘em, Lauren told me no one went out in the ocean, but she did see a 2.7-pound flounder caught from the inlet.
At Old Inlet Bait and Tackle the report was more small rockfish caught from the beach on bloodworms. No word on any more kings or black drum. Anglers drifting minnows at the VFW Slough caught keeper flounder.
At Dan’s Tackle we heard about a customer who caught 30 or more white perch at Prime Hook using jigs. Lighthouse View Tackle told us a few short flounder and rockfish were caught from the Cape Henlopen Fishing Pier on Tuesday. No sign so far of any big or even little bluefish. This warmer weather should get something moving by the weekend.
This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.