WGMD Fishing Report 6-7-18

Wednesday saw beautiful, cool weather and some fish were caught.

At Hook ‘em and Cook ‘em Chris reported the head boat had a few flounder and short sea bass.  Several charter boats ran further offshore and found a fair number of keeper sea bass.

At Old Inlet Bait and Tackle the report was a few keeper rockfish from the North Jetty during the night.  Black Bomber or SP Minnows are still the most popular lures.  No report from the beach.

Tommy at Lewes Harbour Marina said none of the head or charter boats ran out during the day, but a few may try the drum grounds overnight.

At Lighthouse View Bait and Tackle on the fishing pier on Cape Henlopen State Park the report was more flounder caught during high water.  Jigs with Gulp! remain the best bait with some fish taken on squid and minnows.  There are still more shorts than keepers, but the catch is well worth the time.

Once the winds die down a bit I think we will see better fishing from the beach and in Delaware Bay.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.