WGMD Fishing Report 8-25-20

Monday saw decent fishing weather and boats that fished the ocean had good catches of flounder, dolphin and sea bass.

At the Mid-Atlantic Tournament, it was a blue marlin bonanza. The Shark Byte had a 741-pound blue marlin disqualified because of a shark bite. Then on the last day of the tournament an 815-pound blue marlin came into the dock at Sunset Marina in Ocean City, Maryland on the Griffin caught by Wes Swandt. Another big blue came to the scales at Canyon Club Marina in Cape May, New Jersey. This monster was caught by Ryan Putman on his boat, Is That So. It topped the scale at 803 pounds and landed in second place. To have three blue marlin of that size caught in less than a week off our coast is unprecedented.

Amanda at Lewes Harbour Marina said Bennie and Charlie Burton along with another person caught a 30-fish limit of dolphin at the Delaware Lightship on clams and shiners.

The Double Ds had a good catch of sea bass and dolphin over ocean structure on Monday.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.