WGMD Fishing Report 9-1-20

Monday saw good fishing weather on the bay and the ocean and boats were able to reach fish in both locations.  A northeast wind is on tap for Tuesday and that might make for some rougher conditions.

Amanda, at Lewes Harbour Marina, said Jules Mister caught a nice triggerfish at the Outer Wall on sand fleas.  The Angler brought in a good catch of kings from bay structure.  The Lil’ Skipjack had a good catch of sea bass and the Surface Tension had sea bass and dolphin all on ocean structure.

DNREC announced that the Point at Cape Henlopen will be open to surf fishing on September 1.

At Hook ‘em and Cook ‘em the report was flounder from the Judy V and the Captain Bob.  Charter and private boats brought in flounder and sea bass from ocean structure.

Old Inlet said croaker have been caught out of Indian River Inlet on bloodworms and Fishbites.

Maryland DNR arrested six charter boat captains for violations of striped bass regulations.  They also issued 800 citations to recreational fishermen since the striped bass season opened.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report.