WGMD Fishing Report 9-8-19

Saturday saw small craft advisories up with seas to seven feet.  Sunday looks good, but the bottom may still be stirred up.

Getting back to circle hooks.  I find the biggest mistake folks make with circle hooks is trying to set the hook like Roland Martin setting up on a bass while yelling, ā€œSON!ā€

The way a circle hooks works is by going in the mouth of the fish and then hooking the corner on the way back out.  You have to let the fish eat the bait for a few seconds then just let the line come tight under light pressure.  Do not rear back and try to drive the hook home.  It will do the job just fine with minimal help from the angler.

As with monofilament fishing line, there is no industry standard for inline circle hooks.  A 7/0 Mustad circle can vary in shape and size from a 7/0 VMC.  As a general rule, the wider the gap the better the hook, but as with all general rules, you have to do some experimenting to see what works best for you in various situations.

This is Eric Burnley with your WGMD fishing report