WGMD Fishing Report 4-1-20


This is the first fishing report of 2020 and there is so much to cover since last we spoke.

First, the drive-on beaches are now open for Delaware residents with Surf Fishing Permits.  Only two people per vehicle and both must be from the same household.  Vehicles must stay 20 yards apart and both people must be engaged in surf fishing.  People traveling from out of state must self-quarantine for 14 days, so they may not drive here and fish then drive back home.  Not every access point is open.  I drove down to Indian River Inlet on Tuesday morning and only Faithful Stewart was open on the Northside.  I understand from Butch at Old Inlet that Three Rs and South Bethany are also open along with Beach Plum Island.

While at the Inlet, I saw they are replacing the Handicap Pier.  The washed-out area east of the pier is even worse than it was last fall.

Before the wind went northeast, they were catching small rockfish and tog at the inlet.  It looks like small craft advisories up for the rest of this week.

This is Eric Burnley with you WGMD fishing report.
