
"Many a small thing had been made large by the right kind of advertising"


Advertising... What is it?

Advertising, in the purest sense, is nothing more than conveying a message that you have something that you would like others to partake of.

What Advertising Can do for Your Business?

  • Advertising can Establish and Maintain your Identity (Branding) by constantly reminding consumers about the benefits of your company, product or service.
  • Attract new customers and encourage existing customers to buy more of what you sell.
  • Enhance your reputation and dispel misconceptions that consumers may have about your business.
  • Consistent and Frequent advertising will give you the competitive edge to build sales and increase your bottom line.

4 Focal Points in Determining Advertising Direction

  • What is my product or service?
  • Who are the potential users of my product or service?
  • What message would I like to convey to those potential users of my product or service?
  • What vehicle (media) offers me a good potential of reaching my target audience?
    "Target Audience" - The potential users of your product or service.

The 4 Basic Fundamental of Results Driven Advertising

  • RESONANCE - "Engaging Creative". Deliver a clear, concise message that relates directly to your potential customer and the benefit for them to choose your business. Make the first line of your ad entice the listener to want to hear the second line. Limit your ad to one core message and one call to action (call us, stop in, visit website)Cramming too much information into an ad will lose the attention of the listener.
  • REACH - Choosing a vehicle (media) that will offer the potential of having your message reach a significant number of potential users of your product or service.
  • FREQUENCY - Getting your message out there as many times per day as possible. If you ever raised children, you know the necessity of repetition to get a response.
  • CONSISTENCY - Maintain a consistent long term advertising presence to Establish and Maintain your Identity.  Consistency keeps your business "Top of Mind" with consumers.  Absence of Presence gives your competition the competitive edgeas they remain committed to Consistency in their advertising.

Why Choose WGMD?

  • HISTORY - WGMD has served our listening area since 1980. We are well branded in our community with a loyal listener base and THE source for "newcomers" to become familiar with our community and our merchants. WGMD's longevity is the result of long term, consistent advertisers who have found WGMD to be an effective advertising vehicle.
  • FORMAT - WGMD's "Interactive" News Talk, Lifestyle Talk and Sports Talk format attracts more than just listeners; they are "Radio Fans". They are more attentive to the  programming content, therefore more attentive to the advertising. Research indicates that commercials played in a Talk Format have approximately 2 to 3 times the impact compared to a music format. Over the past several years, studies of radio listeners indicate the Talk Format Audience is very politically active, has a higher level of education, is more economically affluent, consumes a wide variety of goods and services and prone to charitable activities and charitable donations.
  • LOCAL FOCUS - WGMD's programming is extensively "LIVE and LOCAL", allowing more flexibility and creativity with advertising venues to better serve the needs of our business community.
  • MULTIPLE MEDIA PLATFORMS - Aside from on air broadcasting on 92.7 FM, WGMD's programming is simulcast in "real time" on numerous platforms: Streaming on WGMD.com; Tune-In Radio for internet and mobile devices; AHA Radio, the latest technology for automotive listening; Zeno Radio, a dial in listening service (302 781- 8267) and the WGMD APP, a free download accessible to Android and IOS. Our advertisers are heard on our multiple platforms just as they are heard on our "airwaves" at No Additional or Separate Cost to our advertisers. WGMD's popular website, WGMD.com, is an effective media to gain exposure for your business with direct link to your business website. Presence on WGMD.com is included in many of our advertising plans.
  • ALL INCLUSIVE PRICING - WGMD does not charge any additional or separate charges for Talent fees, Production fees, or Ad Change fees.
  • KNOWLEDGABLE SALES STAFF - WGMD's Marketing Consultants are trained and knowledgeable in advertising fundamentals to assist and guide you in creating a marketing plan, effective ad copy and advertising schedules to provide you the most potential for your advertising investment. You choose what days you want your ads to run and we do not limit your Ad Schedule to specific weeks within the month.

