Work Zone Safety Awareness Initiatives Underway In Md., Del.


Slow down, stay alert, and drive safely through Maryland work zones…
Maryland transportation officials and State Police said this week is meant to show appreciation to people who are working at 211 current construction projects throughout the state. Motorists are also being urged to do their part by patiently and cautiously proceeding through work areas.
More than 7,700 work-zone related crashes have been reported in Maryland over the last five years, with 46 lives lost and more than 3,200 injuries.

“Spring and summer are busy construction seasons, and our crews are performing critical work to maintain and improve our transportation network and keep Maryland moving,” MDOT Secretary James Ports, Jr. said. “These workers have the equipment and the training they need to keep themselves and others safe, but we need motorists to join the team. I’m asking every driver: Keep yourself, your passengers and our highway crews safe by slowing down and staying alert as you go through work zones.”
Governor Larry Hogan has proclaimed April as Work Zone Safety Month, and this Wednesday is “Go Orange Highway Worker Appreciation Day.”

“One life lost on a Maryland highway is too many. Injuries and deaths can be avoided, especially in work zones,” MDOT SHA Administrator Tim Smith added. “MDOT SHA works hard to maintain safe traffic flow in our work zones for crews and customers. I’m pleading with motorists to focus on driving, follow reduced speed limits in work zones, expect driving pattern changes and be prepared to stop.”
