DE State Senate Passes Bills to Protect Pets from Domestic Abuse


Two pieces of a three-part package of legislation has passed in the State Senate – both with a unanimous vote. These measures include animal welfare into Delaware’s existing protections against domestic violence. Senate Bill 70 adds several actions against a companion or service animal to the definition of abuse for Protection From Abuse (PFA) proceedings. It would also grant the petitioner of a PFA exclusive care, custody or control of a companion or service animal. Senate Bill 71 requires law enforcement agencies, Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families and the DOJ to report suspected animal cruelty of the Office of Animal Welfare that is discovered while working on child welfare cases. Both measures have been sent to the State House for consideration.

The third measure is House Bill 95 requires Family Court to award possession and provide for the care of companion animals when dividing marital property. This measure will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday.
