UPDATE: DE Senate’s Vote to Confirm Governor Carney’s State Housing Authority Nomination
Updated 3/13/24:
Governor John Carney today issued the following statement on the State Senate’s vote to confirm his nomination of Cynthia Karnai to serve as Director of the Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA). Here is his statement:
“Thank you to the members of the Delaware Senate for their votes confirming Cynthia Karnai as Director of the Delaware State Housing Authority. With her tenure and expertise with the Housing Authority, Cynthia is well positioned to lead the difficult but rewarding work of helping Delawareans obtain safe and stable housing, creating affordable housing options, and strengthening neighborhoods. I appreciate her willingness to continue to serve the First State.”
Previous Post from 2/20/24:
Governor John Carney today announced his intent to nominate Cynthia Karnai to serve as Director of the Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA). Karnai’s nomination must be approved by the Delaware State Senate. Governor Carney says Cynthia understands the housing situation in Delaware, and she’ll continue the hard work that is being done to create affordable housing options, strengthen neighborhoods, and help Delawareans become homeowners He adds that he is confident her years of experience within the Delaware State Housing Authority will make her a strong leader for the Department. The governor thanks Cynthia for her willingness to step into this role and looks forward to the Delaware State Senate considering her nomination. If confirmed by the Senate, Karnai would replace Director Eugene Young, who will step down from his position next month after leading Delaware’s housing and community development agency since 2021. Karnai is currently the Deputy Director for the Delaware State Housing Authority and will serve as Acting Director of the agency following Young’s departure.