Gov. Carney Not Yet Able to Take Action on Convicted Auditor McGuiness; Senate Leaders Respond


Delaware Governor John Carney, D-Del. said Tuesday that one more step is needed before he can take any action regarding convicted Auditor of Accounts Kathy McGuiness, D-Del.In a statement from the Governor’s office Tuesday, reference was made to Article XV, Section 6 of the Delaware Constitution, which addresses the removal of any public officer convicted…

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Lawmakers Consider Possible Action In Case Of Indicted State Auditor

Delaware State Auditor Kathy McGuiness spoke with several mayors in Dewey Beach in May (photo: WGMD's Alan Henney)

Delaware lawmakers Monday discussed the possibility of taking action in the case of indicted State Auditor Kathy McGuiness. During the special session on redistricting, the Senate passed a resolution (SCR 63) to seek an advisory opinion from the Delaware Supreme Court on what circumstances, including indictment, warrant legislative action to remove a public official. It…

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