US Wind Deploys Data-Collection Buoy Off OC Coast


U.S Wind has deployed a Floating Light Detecting and Ranging Buoy off the coast of Ocean City.

The developer of proposed offshore wind power said the buoy will collect wind speed data and direction. It also will help produce data about wildlife and the environment by monitoring birds, bats and marine life to determine their presence, frequency and distribution in the lease area.

Met-ocean, or meteorological and oceanographic information, will be posted on US Wind’s website. The buoy from Ocean Tech Services will be deployed for two years.

“The deployment of our metocean buoy is a critical milestone in our commitment to help meet Maryland’s renewable energy goals,” US Wind CEO Jeff Grybowski said. “The data collected will advance our understanding of wind and wildlife patterns in our lease area to inform the most environmentally responsible and efficient design, project layout, and turbine siting.”

The buoy itself is cleanly powered by solar panels and wind turbines.

“Ocean Tech Services is excited to work with US Wind during the site assessment phase of the Maryland wind energy area development,” Ocean Tech Services President Stephen O’Malley said. “As a locally-based service provider, OTS brings the experience, personnel and equipment required to successfully complete the offshore data collection campaign.”

US Wind acquired an 80,000-acre federal lease area off the coast of Maryland in 2014.
