Virtual Public Comment Hearing on Requested Delmarva Power Rate Hike for MD Eastern Shore Counties


The Maryland Public Service Commission will hold a virtual public comment hearing on the $27 million electricity rate increase requested by Delmarva Power & Light Company. Utility customers and other interested parties are welcome to take part in the hearing which is scheduled for Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 7 p.m.  Chief Public Utility Law Judge Ryan C. McLean will preside. The hearing will begin with a presentation by Delmarva.

Delmarva Power provides electric distribution service to 209,000 Maryland customers in 10 Eastern Shore counties. The company says it needs the additional revenue to cover expenses to maintain and improve customer service and system reliability.

Members of the public who wish to speak at the hearing can sign up by sending an email to by 12 noon on Monday, January 10, 2022. The hearing will be held on the Webex platform and participants will receive an email with the link to join in. For those who just want to watch the hearing, it will be simultaneously livestreamed on the Public Utility Law Judge’s YouTube channel (MD PSC PULJs):

In addition to the hearings, written comments can be submitted electronically by January 12, 2022 through the Commission’s online portal at 

Comments may also be sent by mail and should be addressed to: Andrew Johnston, Executive Secretary, Maryland Public Service Commission, William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 St. Paul Street, 16th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202. All comments should reference Case No. 9670.
