Climate Activists Return to Rehoboth, March to Biden’s Beach House


For the second time this summer, climate activists chose to protest in Rehoboth Beach because it is the location of Biden’s vacation home. This time they marched to the President’s beach house where they chanted and posed for photographs. Rehoboth Beach, state police and Secret Service vehicles parked along the side of the street so as to block access to Biden’s house.

Also targeted on Saturday by climate activists was the Chevy Chase home of White House Chief of Staff, Ronald Klain.

The Food and Water Watch group had obtained a permit from the city for Saturday’s rally at the Rehoboth Beach Bandstand. They were joined by several other affinity groups including the Louisiana Bucket Brigade which held its own rally at the bandstand last month.

Noa Gordon-Guterman from Food and Water Watch said they want Biden to declare a climate emergency. They want him to ban LNG by rail and to stop any new LNG export projects at the beach, among other demands.

The bandstand portion was live-streamed here on Facebook.

They had close to 40 attend the bandstand event but only 20-some marched in the heat to Biden’s beach house.
