Sussex County Bookmobile to Become Mobile Vaccination Unit


There will be another method for getting coronavirus vaccinations in Sussex County – with the enlisting of the County Bookmobile through the county library. Sussex County EMS, County Library and Beebe Healthcare have teamed up with the County Council’s unanimous vote to provide this service. Since last year, the Bookmobile has been parked, but it…

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Sussex County Libraries Offering Wi-Fi Hotspots


All the libraries in Sussex County are now wi-fi hotspots.  Users can pick up broadband on their devices by going to their local library and connecting to the universal “Library Outdoors’ broadcast signal.  The access will be available from 6am to 9pm daily until further notice.    Users are reminded to observe appropriate social distancing…

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Sussex County Council Approves FY 2020 Budget


The Sussex County Council has approved the $185.8-million FY 2020 budget. A public hearing was held during this morning’s Council meeting. A dozen people spoke on the budget – several of them directors of county public libraries who all thanked the council for the increase spending which includes $20,000 each of the county’s independent libraries.…

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Most Sussex County Libraries to Close Thursday


If you were thinking of a trip to the library on Thursday in Sussex County – you’ll probably be out of luck.  Most public libraries will be closed on May 3 for the annual Delaware/Maryland Library Association Conference.  This is continuing education and professional staff development for the four County-owned libraries and 11 independent libraries. …

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