Posts Tagged ‘DelDOT’
Downtown Intersection Changes Coming to Milford
Traffic changes are coming to Milford with upcoming improvements on the Southwest Front Street bridge. The City and DelDOT are working to allow two-way traffic on Southwest Front Street to better serve the business community. Traffic signals at Southeast/Southwest Front Street and South Walnut Street and Causey Avenue and South Walnut Street will change to…
Read MoreCommunity Resource Meeting in Milton Thursday
There will be a Community Resource meeting Thursday at Milton Elementary School from 6 to 8pm in the auditorium. The meeting is designed to raise public awareness about certain services that are available to residents and communities of Sussex County. There will be representatives from the Delaware State Police, Department of Justice’s Community Ombudsperson’s Office,…
Read MoreDE Launches Litter Free School Zone Program
A new program was launched last week by Governor John Carney encouraging students to keep their communities litter free. “Litter Free School Zones” was launched in coordination with the Keep Delaware Litter Free initiative. Each school is asked to hold two litter cleanups as a campus – and students are being asked to track the…
Read MoreDelDOT Virtual Public Workshop on SR1 Coastal Corridor Resiliency Study Tuesday
DelDOT will hold a virtual public workshop on Tuesday from 5 to 6pm and 6 to 7pm on the State Route 1 Coastal Corridor Resiliency Study – which looks at the impacts climate change and sea-level rise are having on transportation infrastructure specifically between Dewey Beach and Ocean City, Maryland. Both sessions will have the…
Read MoreWoodland Ferry Sidelined for Annual Maintenance
The Woodland Ferry will be taken out of service today (Tuesday) for annual maintenance. The Ferry crosses the Nanticoke River near Seaford and Blades. According to DelDOT, the Woodland Ferry is expected to return to service next Tuesday, September 13th at 7:00 a.m.
Read MoreDel. Transit Corp. Gets More Federal $$ for Electric Buses
Delaware Transit Corporation has received its fifth federal grant to bring more lower-emission, energy-efficient buses into service. DTC plans to purchase two battery-electric buses and two hydrogen-fuel-cell electric buses. Charging stations and other infrastructure will also be built utilizing $11-million from the Federal Transit Administration’s “Low-No Program.” Delaware Transit currently has 26 electric buses in…
Read MoreDelDOT Plans to Replace Woodland Ferry Captain House
DelDOT plans to replace the Woodland Ferry Captain House next year. The facility is a former residence. It was most recently renovated in 1993. “With the support of our area legislators, DelDOT is committed to maintaining ferry operations across the Nanticoke River, and this new building will ensure our deckhands have a facility that fully…
Read MoreGeorgetown East Gateway Overhaul Completed
The Georgetown East Gateway Project has officially been opened as DelDOT officials, along with Senator Tom Carper, D-Del., members of Sussex County Council and others gathered this week to cut the ribbon. This project was two years from beginning to end – to realign the intersection of Route 9 and Sand Hill and Airport Roads…
Read MoreMore EV Charging Stations Coming to Delaware
More electric vehicle charging stations are coming to Delaware roadways. DelDOT and the Department of Natural Resources plan to place 11 multi-vehicle fast-charging stations along major routes through part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law utilizing $18-million in federal funds. Targeted first will be the general areas of Rehoboth Beach on Route 1, Selbyville on Route…
Read MoreDelDOT Workers Find Dog Left to Die in Dover
A dog was found by DelDOT workers earlier this week in tall brush off North Little Creek Road in Dover. The dog, which had lost most of her hair and was covered in sores and scabs, was barely responsive and rushed to a local veterinary hospital. She later died and Delaware Animal Services is looking…
Read MoreArrow Safety Road Closed through January 2023
Arrow Safety Road in Georgetown has been closed by DelDOT as scheduled. The roadway – between Route 113 and South Bedford Street is part of the Park Avenue relocation project and will remain closed through the end of January 2023 for roadway reconstruction. Besides the closure of Arrow Safety Road – the Route 113 southbound…
Read MorePart of Lewes-to-Georgetown Trail to Close Wed. Night for Spraying
A portion of the Lewes-to-Georgetown Trail is scheduled to be closed Wednesday night into early Thursday.According to DelDOT, herbicide for vegetation control will be applied, if the weather cooperates. The trail is expected to be closed from Cool spring Road to Savannah Road between Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. and Thursday at 5:00 a.m.According to DelDOT,…
Read MoreIndependence Day Travel Tips
Vehicles, cyclists, scooters and pedestrians will all be on the move this weekend. DelDOT urges drivers and everyone to proceed with caution and to expect congestion.To date, there have been 75 crash-related fatalities in Delaware this year, a 40% increase over the same time of last year. “No matter how you plan to get around…
Read MoreRoute 1 At Route 16 To Become Grade-Separated Intersection
The intersection of Route 1 and Route 16 is getting a major overhaul.Ground has been broken for construction of a grade separated interchange. The current signaled intersection will be replaced with a bridge that will carry State Route 1 traffic over Route 16. Also, new entrance and exit ramps will be built, and the intersection…
Read MoreGround Broken on Park Avenue Relocation Project in Georgetown
Ground has been broken to enter the construction phase of the Park Avenue relocation project in Georgetown. DelDOT officials have been working on this project for a number of years – taking public comment at multiple workshops – including choosing the preferred design option out of six that were presented. This project has been a…
Read MoreDel. Specialty Pollinator Plate Generates Buzz
The Delaware Support Pollinators License Plate has been recognized by the Automobile License Plate Collector’s Association with its Best Plate Award for 2021.The plate has a green background and is decorated with flowers, birds, a butterfly and a bee. The one-time fee of $50 also directs $35 to the DelDOT stewardship office to assist with…
Read MoreIndian River Inlet Bridge Inspections To Impact Traffic Early Next Week
Motorists who travel the Indian River Inlet Bridge should be prepared for temporary intermittent closures next Monday night and early Tuesday morning.According to DelDOT, the scheduled load tests are part of continuing research and monitoring of the bridge and its structural health, in conjunction with the university of Delaware.Between 9:00 p.m. Monday and 3:00 a.m.…
Read MoreUpdate: Woodland Ferry Will Not Operate Fri. May 6th
Update: the Woodland Ferry will not be operating Friday May 6th due to staffing issues, according to DelDOT. Service is scheduled to resume Monday morning. Last week, DelDOT announced that the Woodland Ferry would not operate Saturdays and Sundays temporarily due to staffing issues. The Woodland Ferry crosses the Nanticoke River in the Seaford-Blades-Laurel area.…
Read MoreWoodland Ferry Temporarily Ceases Weekend Service
The Woodland Ferry, which crosses the Nanticoke River in the Seaford area, will temporarily suspend weekend operations effective this Saturday, April 30th. New weekday hours will be from 7:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. According to DelDOT, the changes are being made due to staffing issues. DelDOT recently posted openings for captain positions at the ferry.
Read MoreDART Stuff The Bus Spring Drive Raises 4.3 Tons Of Food
8,514 pounds of food donations will be distributed by Delaware hunger relief partners for people in need of food assistance following DART’s springtime “Stuff the Bus” Food Drive. Donors pitched in their contributions over four days earlier this month in Rehoboth Beach, Dover, and the Wilmington area. “The Food Bank of Delaware has met record…
Read MoreFive Points Transportation Study Working Group Meets Monday Night
The Five Points Transportation Study Working Group hosts a hybrid meeting tonight (Mon. Apr. 25th).The multi-phase study has been looking at a variety of ways to reduce traffic congestion and improve safety around the intersection of Routes One and Nine in the Lewes area.The working group is made up of elected officials, local residents and…
Read MoreEarth Day Is “Try Transit Day” (For Free) In Del.
DART services will be free this Friday April 22nd in celebration of Earth Day, which is also Try Transit Day. There will be no charge Friday for riding any DART bus service statewide, including paratransit and DART connect.The special deal is intended to raise awareness of environmental challenges that face the people of earth, but…
Read MoreMasks No Longer Required on DART First State Buses
Effective immediately, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has lifted the requirement to wear masks while utilizing public transportation. The Delaware Transit Corporation (DTC) will no longer be requiring masks to be worn on DART First State buses. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to recommend that people wear masks in indoor public…
Read MoreDel. Shines Orange Spotlight On Work Zone Awareness
DelDOT wants you to ‘drive like your family works here’ when you proceed through a construction zone.National Work Zone Awareness Week was observed at an event in Millsboro Wednesday. DelDOT Secretary Nicole Majeski gathered with representatives of the Delaware Office of Highway Safety and Mumford & Miller Construction at American Legion Post #28. Many of…
Read MoreWork Zone Safety Awareness Initiatives Underway In Md., Del.
Slow down, stay alert, and drive safely through Maryland work zones…Maryland transportation officials and State Police said this week is meant to show appreciation to people who are working at 211 current construction projects throughout the state. Motorists are also being urged to do their part by patiently and cautiously proceeding through work areas.More than…
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