Fire Damages Dewey Beach Home


Rehoboth Beach firefighters were called to a residential fire on Bayard Avenue in Dewey Beach around 7:30 Saturday nights. Crews arriving at the scene found fire showing from three floors…

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Comcast Work Underway in Bethany Beach

Town of Bethany Beach

Comcast is beginning work in Bethany Beach that will bring the full suite of Comcast services, including fiber optic WIFI, to the community. The estimated completion date for this work, contingent…

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Are Those Ray or Shark Fins?


During the past three weeks or so, lifeguards at the Delaware beaches have whistled swimmers from the water several times after spotting “suspicious marine life.” That prompted this lengthy discussion on iDewey’s Facebook. “We…

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Bethany Beach Modifies Seasonal Parking


Bethany Beach seasonal parking regulations will go into effect on Monday.  The Governor’s directive that opened the beaches last weekend recommends that towns consider employing a strategy that limits parking…

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